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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Kylie Stylin' for El Dia de Los Reyes

  • "Dia de Los Reyes" is The Day of the 3 Kings which is today. This day represents when the three wise men (Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar) traveled from afar to pay tribute to Christ. They came bearing gifts. "On the night Christ was born, they were drawn by a "mysterious light" which became a star that hung in the western sky. They followed this sign to Bethlehem, where they arrived (a little late) to honor Christ's birth. In fact, the "12 Days of Christmas," which is so often believed to end on December 25, actually begins on the 25th and runs through January 6, culminating with the Feast of Epiphany, or"The Adoration of the Magi." -(

Growing up I remember going to mass on this day and we would celebrate as a family. It brought the community together. At the end of supper each child would get a gift. Now that I have kids of my own I usually celebrate it with my parents. We go to mass and each person attending the mass will usually bring food and donate a gift. They also get 3 young kids to dress as the 3 kings and they go around each table so you can take pictures with them. The kids love it, its like Christmas all over.

I had my little diva dressed for the occasion ;)

Shoes: Michael Kors Boots

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