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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Repurposing old furniture

I have been meaning to revamp my daughters old table. I finally decided to take the plunge and repurpose it. I used Benjamin Moore chalkboard paint.

I put 3 coats but you can add more or less depending on the texture of the table. 

Prep the area where you'll be painting (I used plastic bags).  After each coat I allowed it to dry completely before applying more paint. Once dried I sprayed painted the legs pink ;) 

This picture is before I applied the spray paint. 

This is the final piece. To make the space pop I added a faux fur rug (ikea), small chandelier (Walmart) and reupholstered pleather chairs made by me ;). 
This is a picture of the chair before (left) and after (right) i reupholstered it.

I had an amazing time coming up with this great creative space for my daughter. I can tell she loves it because she runs to her room everyday after school to do her homework in her new space. The chandelier gives it that chic look. My husband said it reminded him of a 
chateau, I'll take that as I did a good job!

I'd like to see your ideas so please share any comments or pictures below ;).

Friday, January 9, 2015

Attention all Prince and Princesses! You are cordially invited to a Royal Party ;)

Attention all Prince and Princesses! You are cordially invited to a Royal Party ;)

"Monday January 12th, by royal decree all the Prince and Princesses [kindergarten age and up], in the Lodi kingdom and surrounding lands are invited to attend the Lodi Memorial Library’s 3rd annual Royal Party.
Come dressed in your finest royal attire / or costume, or as you are.0559-little-boy-girl-as-prince-and-princess.jpg769ec8_29882dedba03441c84504178b2684d08.png_srz_p_420_390_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz
 Hot Cocoa party!  From 4 - 6 pm.
4 - 4:45 crafts and games
5 - 5:45  songs and storytime  
5:45 - 6pm certificates, hot cocoa, and treats.  

This year the Royal Winter Hot Cocoa party
celebrates with Special guest author
Diana Lee Santamaria"

All info as seen on:!dlees-world-events/c1142

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hunting Silhouette Cake

I made this awesome hunting silhouette cake for my father in law. I'm not an artist so it was a bit complicated for me to design this free hand. 

I basically had the image pulled up on my laptop by using Google images for hunting silhouettes. I slowly carved out the images by hand. I will say it took me several attempts to get it right.

For the top of the cake I wanted to make it vibrant a so I made rosettes with the matching sunset colors I had used throughout. As for the deer logo I made that out of candy melts.

I had a great time making it and I was glad everyone understood the theme without me having to say it. 

Kylie Stylin' for El Dia de Los Reyes

  • "Dia de Los Reyes" is The Day of the 3 Kings which is today. This day represents when the three wise men (Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar) traveled from afar to pay tribute to Christ. They came bearing gifts. "On the night Christ was born, they were drawn by a "mysterious light" which became a star that hung in the western sky. They followed this sign to Bethlehem, where they arrived (a little late) to honor Christ's birth. In fact, the "12 Days of Christmas," which is so often believed to end on December 25, actually begins on the 25th and runs through January 6, culminating with the Feast of Epiphany, or"The Adoration of the Magi." -(